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Extension of the Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts

bankruptcy scotland update 2021
Temporary measures have been extended

The Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) recently announced that some of the temporary measures introduced due to the coronavirus had been made permanent through the Bankruptcy (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 with effect 29th March 2021.

Please see the link to our article on this here. Change to bankruptcy legislation in Scotland (

They also confirmed that the remaining temporary measures have now been extended by a further six months under the Coronavirus (Scotland) Acts.

  • The minimum debt level for creditor petition will remain at £10,000.
  • The period of any new moratoria will continue to be extended to a period of six months, as will the removal of the limitation that only one such moratorium can be applied for in any 12-month period.
  • The ability to hold virtual meetings of creditors as an alternative to physical meetings will also continue.

These provisions will now expire on 30 September 2021. 

The extension of these temporary measures will continue to help those most affected by the ongoing Covid -19 crisis.

For more information or if you need help with any problem debt, please contact Ian Brown on 07519 124657 or email:


Category: Bankruptcy

About the author

Ian Brown

Ian Brown

Ian is an expert in the Debt Arrangement Scheme and Business Debt Arrangement Scheme, assisting individuals, sole traders and partnerships.

He also advises on personal debt solutions recommending the best option to resolve problem debt issues.

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